Korea Unmasked ist ein interessanter Comic zur koreanischen Kultur von Rhie Won-bok, der uebrigens in Muenster studiert hat. Mit Blick auf die Geschichte Koreas und der Nachbarlaender China und Japan versucht Rhie dem Leser auf unterhaltsame Art die heutigen Verhaltensweisen der Koreaner naeher zu bringen. Das Buch ist sowohl in Englisch als auch Koreanisch erhaeltlich. Die englische Farbausgabe kostet etwa 15.000 Won und kann z.B. ueber Kyobo in Gangnam oder Seoul Selection bezogen werden.
There are many books about Korean traditional aspects, but only a few that explains about what contemporary Koreans are like. Actually many customers of Seoul Selection wanted to have some more books about the matter and now here is another book. Unmasked," a cartoon book, gives a good answer to that. The book takes historical, economical, political and sociological approaches towards defining Korea and its people. Why don't Koreans like to adopt kids? Why Korean youngsters are crazy over Internet online games instead of CD Rom games preferred by their Japanese counterparts? What made it possible for the nation to have the world's biggest five Christian churches in Seoul? Why do Koreans always try to compare themselves with other Koreans? What similarity do South Korea and North Korea have? All these questions are properly answered in the book. The explanations are insightful and persuasive enough. Korean's old neighbors of Japanese and Chinese are also illuminated, for the author Rhie Won-bok cast some comparative researches among the three peoples. Here is the contents: "Neighbors but Strangers: Korea, China and Japan," "The Korean People," "The successes and Tribulations of the Koreans," and "The Long and Treacherous Road to Reunification." Rhie is the author of numerous comic books that focus on introducing historical, cultural and economic issues to the layman.
(Quelle: Seoul Selection)