Am kommenden Dienstag laeuft um 20.15 Uhr auf VOX die Sendung "Goodbye Deutschland - Die Auswanderer" mit einem Paar, das es nach Korea gezogen hat. Der Trailer ist natuerlich wie erwartet schon sehr vielversprechend. Zitat: "Das [Essen] ist absolut widerlich." ;-)
In eigener Sache: Ab sofort werden die Kommentare in diesem Blog moderiert, d.h. erst nach Ueberpruefung freigeschaltet und oeffentlich angezeigt. Ich denke die damit einhergehende Verzoegerung ist in Anbetracht der momentan anwesenden Unruhestifter akzeptabel.
Muscus gibt es uebrigens mehrmals in Seoul, u.a. auch in Central City beim Kangnam Express Bus Terminal. Insbesondere am Wochenende sollte man einen Tisch reservieren.
- Korea Law Blog - Interessantes Blog eines seit ueber 10 Jahren in Seoul taetigen amerikanischen Anwalts
- Bridging Culture Blog - Korean global business and popular culture
- Government for Foreigners - Neues Portal der Regierung fuer Auslaender
- TechnoKimchi - Spicy Thoughts on Digital Generation in Asia
- Nateon fuer Linux und Mac - Geschlossener Betatest, aber immerhin, es tut sich was. Nicht dass ich noch einen weiteren Messenger braeuchte, aber viele Koreaner verwenden ihn leider.
- khtml2png - Screenshots von Webseiten erzeugen
- Remember The Milk - Todo-Listen mit diversen Erinnerungsfunktionen (noch nicht getestet)
- Maniac Mansion Speedrun - 9 minutes - Da werden alte Erinnerungen wach
- Monkey Island Flash Film - Unterhaltsam
- Kaffeepad-Info - Alles rund um Kaffee-Pads (ueberlege mir eine Senseo zu kaufen)
- 미녀들의 수다 - Bekanntes koreanisches Fernsehprogramm (KBS Account erforderlich)
Das Museum liegt etwas ausserhalb von Seoul. Anfahrt ist moeglich per U-Bahn mit der Linie 4 bis zur Station Seoul Grand Park. Von dort aus kann man mit dem kostenlosen Shuttle-Bus zum Museum gelangen.
Von der Webseite:
Each class starts in the first week of every month.
Each class meets once a week.
Each class takes 12 weeks to finish (except advanced class).
After finishing one level, students can proceed to the next level by passing a test.
Students who have more than three unexcused absences cannot move to the next level, regardless of their performance. If there are reasons why students have to miss a class, the teacher should be contacted and informed in advance.
To join the class
Anyone, who stays in Korea for more than three months, is eligible to join the Korean class. Please come to registration at the Korea Foundation Cultural Center on Monday, Wednesday, or Friday at 18:30 ~ 20:30.
For registration you will need to produce one of the followings: A valid passport, a valid visa, Student Card, Alien Certificate of Registration
About Level Test
The level test is required for all students, except beginners for the Hangeul class. To join the September class, all students registered by Wednsday, August 29 are required to come to the Seminar room of the Korea Foundation Cultural Center on Friday, August 31 at 18:00. If you were not able to make the registration in advance, please come on Friday, August 31 at 18:00 to fill out the registration form and to see if you can be added to the class.
The written test consists of 15 relatively simple questions. Intermediate class students and advanced class students will also be given a short oral test.
Class Schedule
Monday 7 p.m.: Beginners class 1A, Beginners class 2A, Beginners class 3A
Wednesday 4 p.m.: Hangeul class, Beginners class 3B
Wednesday 7 p.m.: Intermediate class 1, Intermediate class 2, Advanced class
Friday 7 p.m.: Hangeul class, Beginners class 1B, Beginners class 2B
1. Hangeul (Korean alphabet) class (4 weeks)
This class is designed for students who are learning Korean for the first time. The focus is on how to read and write vowels and consonants.
2. Beginners class 1 / class 2 (4 weeks / 4 weeks)
In this class, students practice basic Korean conversation skills, from greetings to verb tenses.
3. Beginners class 3 (12 weeks)
In this class, students practice basic Korean conversation skills, from greetings to verb tenses.
4. Intermediate class 1/ Intermediate class 2 (12 weeks / 12 weeks)
This level will focus on fluency and accuracy by learning advanced grammar and conversation.
5. Advanced class
This class is designed to help advanced students to improve their Korean to near native-like fluency. Students will also study TV commercials to learn Korean.